Open 4-seater, saloon, drophead coupé.

A reversion to producing fast comfortable touring cars, the SA or 2-litre was not a sports car. Powerplant based on the Wolseley 18/80 Six, which was so tall they had to use horizontal dashpots on the downdraught carbs to keep the bonnet line low. Chassis entirely new, with spring shackles instead of MG's traditional sliding trunnion arrangement, Lockheed hydraulic brakes, originally a four-speed crash 'box, later changed to one with synchro on top and third, and the car was good for 80mph, even if it took a long time to get there. Some excellent coachwork by, among others, Salmons and Charlesworth.

Technical Specifications
2288cc/2322cc (S6 OHV)
Front engine, rear-wheel drive
Production dates
1936 to 1939
Number produced
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