New Kent classic car show gets off to a storming start

| 11 Sep 2013

The inaugural running of a charity classic car show in Kent on 8 September attracted 2000 people and nearly 500 cars, motorbikes and buses, plus fire and steam engines.

Harris HospisCare's first Classic Car Show was held at Tripes Farm near Orpington and the crowds were kept entertained by parades from a range of clubs including the Kent Kit Car Club, Paintscrapers (VWs), the MX-5 Owners' Club and SERV Kent Blood Bikes.

Fundraising Manager, Christine Davies said: “We had no idea how many people would come along to this brand new event so we have been amazed at the numbers. Even a little bit of rain didn’t deter people from coming to seen the fabulous exhibits.

"Early indications are we have raised at least £7500, amazing! We would like to extend out thanks to everyone involved and we look forward to bringing the event back bigger and better next year."