The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs has launched its latest mammoth survey of the classic car industry.
C&SC supports this important piece of research and urges every enthusiast to have their say. Don't worry, it will be treated in total confidence.
It is only by getting comprehensive, compelling data such as this that the Federation can reveal the size and importance of the "industry", which in turn gives it huge lobbying power to protect our hobby in Westminster, Brussels and beyond.
Federation President Lord Montagu of Beaulieu said: "The FBHVC exists to protect the freedom to use historic vehicles – including your freedom to use an historic vehicle whenever you wish.
"The FBHVC has to challenge politicians and persuade regulators to adjust policies and draft new rules accordingly. Nothing captures politicians’ or regulators’ attention more effectively than big or valuable numbers based on firm evidence – hence the need for this periodic survey, which is being undertaken in conjunction with the Historic Vehicle Research Institute."
So log on here and do your bit.